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The True History of Our Origins

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Genesis today

presents texts from the Holy Bible to read morning and evening. All the basic elements inherent in life since the beginning of human history are developed there with a view to preparing for the return of the Lord Jesus and for eternity. There is no commentary, but simply quotes related to the theme of the day, in order to draw attention exclusively to the Word of God. For each verse, there is the reference numbered and noted at the bottom of the page. It is easy to put the text into its original context and thus deepen one's knowledge of biblical instructions. This study takes into consideration the entire Word of God to take us from the first mention of a concept of the Genesis to Revelation. Cover verses Isaiah 21. 11-12

The Bible in a Year allows you to have the entire Bible on your iPhone or iPad and read it systematically. Wherever you are, you have direct access to today's texts with just one touch of your finger.

The plan for reading the entire Bible in 1 year is designed according to the model of Daniel who knelt down three times a day to pray and praise his God (Daniel 6. 7, 10). Thus the portions of Scripture to be read are divided into three parts, or three readings per day:

In the morning: the historical books of the Old Testament: Genesis to Esther spread over a year. At noon: the poetic and prophetic books: Job to Malachi spread over a year. In the evening: the New Testament spread over the whole year.

The history of the kings of Judah and Israel as well as the history of Jesus are read according to what we know of the chronological order and the stories told several times are cited to be read on the same day.

The reading order can be reversed, for example we can read the New Testament in the morning, etc. We can also do one reading per day over three years.

John Nelson Darby's updated French translation is used for reading the entire Bible in one year. We have opted for this version in the reading followed by the entire Bible, because it follows the original text very closely. The daily texts of the book "The Bread We Need" are published in this edition too.

The update does not change anything in the meaning and quality of the original translation made by John Nelson Darby in the 19th century, the aim being to carefully preserve the riches of the original texts.

Give us every day THE BREAD WE NEED, that is to say the sufficient ration for today. We all nourish our physical body daily. The Word of God brings us necessary nourishment for our soul and our spirit, which we must not neglect. Thanks to it, and to it alone, made alive by the power of the Holy Spirit working in us, we can walk by faith and advance towards the heavenly goal.

In this new book from Éditions NAOMI, which brings together the five books already published and revised, there is an annual journey, a journey through the entire Holy Bible, which invites us to look at the Lord Jesus and his work at the cross of Golgotha.

In my youth, I worked with children. I was told that I had “a key” in my hands. It was true and I dared to dream that one day I would publish a book that talks, sings and moves!

I imagined that by turning the pages, children could not only see the images and read the texts, but hear sounds. It was the iPad that gave me this possibility and when I saw this tool, I immediately took a course to learn how we could put the book of the Creation of the World into sounds and movements. The result is now available online, free on iTunes. Up to you! The motivation to bless children has never left us and we hope that this crucial teaching will also interest you and bless today's generation of children by communicating the truth to them on a globally flouted subject.

In the book Jesus, A Name Above Every Name, each name is linked to a glossary and an index. The work of studying the Bible is thus very rich and fascinating. This book is designed to lead us to discover the limitless perfections of Christ. Every character of moral excellence finds in Christ its true place and its right proportion. No quality displaces another, or harms it. At the end of the book, an index in alphabetical order allows you to find the names and titles cited in this book. With few exceptions, they are only cited once. The Bible mentions most of these names much more often, we chose the names because of their history and sometimes because we recognized the Lord Jesus symbolically. There is also the list of references used for the names in the order of the biblical books.

Promises, In Jesus Christ is the Yes and the Amen. More than 1000 promises from God are listed in this book. Countless people have relied on God's promises and been rescued, strengthened, delivered, healed, saved, and sustained. The Everlasting Covenant, the Everlasting Covenant, the New Covenant, and the Better Covenant form the four chapters of this book in chronological and historical order. Journeying through the history of the promises and appropriating the words of the Lord is a grace that we propose to do with all simplicity and joy of the heart. By touching the texts in bold, the glossary appears containing the promises with their reference. This makes it easy to find the verse in the Bible and place it in its original context. In the personal notes section that you can add, there are the glossary cards with their biblical reference on the back. There is also the list of references used for the promises in the order of the biblical books. God can do, through the power that works in us, infinitely more than all we ask or think.

The Race, Such a great cloud of witnesses. Those who run in the stadium, all run, but only one receives the prize. Run so as to win it. Whoever fights in the arena imposes severe discipline on himself in all things; them therefore, in order to receive a corruptible crown (which rots); but we, in order to receive an unalterable (incorruptible) crown. This discipline or rules of running are developed through a study of the entire Bible. The glossary and index provide a rich perspective of Christian attitudes and behavior that we can imitate with the help of the Holy Spirit.

The texts of The Trial of Sin are extracts from the HOLY BIBLE to which we have not added any comments other than a few notes from recognized translators or commentators of the original texts. It is a study by themes, in clear language. Sometimes words are taken from multiple translations for the same verse and thus provide a broader view. References to selected verses are always cited in the margin. When you open the book The Trial of Sin, a recording of the texts begins. It is thus possible not only to read this book, but also to listen to these texts which relate the story of Jesus Christ when he was condemned in our place and when he took upon himself all our sins. The heavens and the earth will disappear, but my words, Jesus said, will never disappear.

Jesus, A Name above every name. Jesus Christ is the exact representation of who God is. Seventy names and titles of the Lord Jesus are set out in this book in a chronological order, according to the Bible revelation. Each of them is presented with twelve chosen verses, or part of verses, of the Bible as twelve fountains of water from which every reader can drink without end. Like a preparation of a very fine perfume, by meditating these scriptures one can discover the absolute constant character and power of our God who is one: Jesus Christ in whom are found all the perfections of God. For each name that is standing there like a road indicator, like a palm tree in the desert of this world, a search through the whole Bible was done to show the eternal value of that name, in the past, present and future times. When touching the texts in bold, the glossary of over 600 names and titles can be opened. It is very easy then to search in the Bible and find the names in their original context. The quotations are used only once. This book is a selection of BIBLE quotations.

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